New Orleans – 11/21/15 – Commander’s Palace, Sazerac Bar, and Square Root

Commander’s Palace
Not having been on previous visits, I thought I needed to visit Commander’s Palace at least once in my lifetime.  While I love the history of this place and that so many chef’s have passed through and gone on to great things, it is unfortunately too touristy and felt a bit like hotel food.

Commander’s Creole Gumbo
 New Orleans Barbecued Gulf Shrimp
 Pecan Pie

Sazerac Bar
Another place I felt that i had to cross off of the list having not been here on previous visits. As I was staying at the Roosevelt it was certainly convenient. At least now I can have an informed opinion that this is not the best sazerac I have ever had.

Square Root
I salvaged this day with dinner at Square Root and a pre-dinner drink at the upstairs bar Root Squared. Fantastic service and descriptions of dishes as presented by the chef’s. I really enjoyed this meal tremendously from the whimsical elements like cotton candy to so many of my favorite ingredients to perhaps the perfect muffaletta.

 Mussels – Watercress, Calabrian Chile
 Wianno Oyster – Dill, Honey Vinegar, Horseradish
 Muffaletta – ‘Nduja, Face Bacon, Olive Salad, Grana Padano
 Southern Picnic – Fried Chicken, Watermelon Rind, Mustard
Pig Head – Caramelized Squid, Boiled Peanuts, Seaweed
Matsutake – Raw Lamb, Barley, Egg Yolk
 Foie Gras – Parsnip, Date Leather, Vadouvan
 Garden Sorrel – Oxalis, Chartreuse
 Arctic Char – Onion, Sunflower, Carrot
 Rohan Duck – Persimmon, Satsuma, Trimmings
 Orchid Root – Muscadine, Sichuan Peppercorn, Black Locust Palm Seeds
 Butternut Squash – Curry, Pecans, Raisins, Poirier’s Cane Syrup