4/9/19 – Antwerp – The Jane

The Jane is housed in a repurposed chapel of a military hospital which makes for stunning setting for this lover of architecture and food.  The restaurant suffered a fire after I booked and was closed for several weeks.  I was afraid that our reservation would be cancelled but the stars aligned.  This lunch was delightful.

we got burnt

chu-torro, scrambled egg

sea urchin spaghetti

langoustine, quinoa, carrot, vadouvan

foie gras, rhubarb, hazelnut, nano-hoshiko

white asparagus from stephanie longiune, smoked eel, teardrop peas

perte blanche from bourcefranc-le-chapus, plankton, kaffir

pollock, grey north sea shrimp, chateau-halon

pollock, grey north sea shrimp, chateau-chalon

suffolk lamb, ramsons, morille, black truffle

pigeon from steenvoorde, cassis, bbq-cabbage

Brussels – 10/22/16 – Alexandre

What an absolutely lovely and unexpectedly fantastic dinner at Alexandre.  Easily the most vibrant plates I have had this year and some awesome surprises like the airy cheese course.  The hard candies to end the meal still bring a smile to my face and I nearly channeled my grandmother and pocketed all of them.  Unfortunately no menu and I did not take notes as usual but many dishes are self explanatory.

Brussels – 10/21/6 – Bon Bon

As I dine out a fair amount, sometimes the meals tend to run together.  And when it takes me months to complete a blog post, it is not unheard of that I can’t remember anything about it.  Chef Christophe Hardiquest’s Bon Bon was a truly memorable experience.  I had what I thought was the best seat in the house at the chef’s counter which was so close that my bread is literally on top of a ticket in one of my photos.  Dinner started with a long serious of snacks.  They aren’t on my typed menu and I can’t remember all of the ingredients of each, but many are at least partially self explanatory and all were delicious.  There were many great touches in dinnerware such as the egg cup and the multitude of amazing knife handles.  Its funny that I will probably remember those knives forever.  I have a weakness for a cheese cart of any sort, let alone one with this many selections, but a macaroon cart?  Brilliant.  Highly recommend.

Saint-Jacques de Dieppe – Finement tranchees, Chantilly d’echalote, Gaspacho d’huitres

Moules parquees 2016 – A la marollienne

Raviole – A la truffe blanche d’Alba

Coeur de cabillaud – Broccoli, emulsion chaude aux huitres

Caille farcie – Racine de persil, Jus de caille, genevrier-gin

Incredible knife handles.  Each one in the block was different.

Assortiment de fromages

Il n’y a pas d’omelette sans casser des oeufs

Truffe – Mousse de lait cru a la truffe blanche, Opaline de chocolat, Poire pochee

Macaroon cart!